Our 360 assessments draw heavily on global standards for effective schools.
At Premiera we can evaluate and support the development of your curriculum, teaching methods, and educational outcomes. We can ensure that your curriculum is broad, balanced, and meets the needs of all pupils.
Our focus includes the Marzano 5 levels of school effectiveness:
Level 1: A safe and orderly environment that supports cooperation and collaboration.
Level 2: An instructional framework that develops and maintains effective instruction in every classroom.
Level 3: A guaranteed and viable curriculum focused on enhancing student learning.
Level 4: A standards-referenced system of reporting student progress.
Level 5: A competency-based system that ensures student mastery of content.
Please fill out the form below and we will reach out to you to schedule an online or in-person meeting to explain the next steps and how we can work together.
If you would prefer to contact us by phone then please call us at
+971 (0) 44 447 0358.