ihsan Schools

Ihsan Schools

Ihsan International Schools, based in Turkey, follow the American curriculum and are accredited both by the US Department of Education and the Turkish Ministry of Education. They are also fully accredited by well known international accreditation agency of Cognia Foundation (known previously as AdvancED).
Ihsan International Schools offer core educational programs in English as well as promoting Arabic and Turkish as important languages to learn.

As an Islamic group of schools, Ihsan places an emphasis on religious teachings and on developing an understanding of religion and faith in students.

Ihsan believes in diversity and welcomes students from different social and demographic backgrounds. 

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About Ihsan Schools

Ihsan International Schools believe in a holistic approach to learning. They help their students absorb themselves in the culture of the languages they are learning, as well as taking part in activities, educational visits and trips, sports and games and a wide range of creative and autonomous learning activities.


On the linguistic side of their curriculum, Ihsan International Schools focus their subject matter on linguistic progress, through systematic grammar and lexis learning balanced with the four skills; speaking, listening, reading and writing.


To learn more about Ihsan Kids please visit their website by clicking here Ihsan Schools.

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